Commodore 64 direct-to-tv mod using a Commodore 1531 datasette as a case

C64 DTV Datasette Mod

I have had a C64 DTV (Direct to TV) joystick for quite a while now. It is basically a Commodore 64 joystick with 30 built-in games. The joystick itself resembles the classic Competition Pro joystick. It takes 4 AA 1.5V batteries (6V total) and is connects … Read more

Commodore 64 Games System on

Commodore 64GS

I have been wanting to get a copy of the Commodore 64 Game System (C64GS) for quite some time now. However, getting one online is usually expensive (insanely expensive!!) and only very few cartidge game titles can actually be played on the system. A few weeks … Read more

Repair logs for a Commodore 64 Assy 250407 Rev. B and an Assy 250407 Rev. B with broken PLAs at U17

New Repair Logs Added

I got a load of broken breadboxes that needed to be resurrected. Two of them have been fixed and the results have been added to the repair log pages. Both boards were Assy 250407 Rev. B.  PCB’s that needed a good clean and some new chips to … Read more

C64 Reloaded JiffyDOS

On the C64 Reloaded boards, all ROM images have been burned into a single EPROM chip. As described by Individual Computers, this ‘…gives some extra space for a second Kernal ROM and a second character set’. As I will be using the C64 Reloaded with my JiffyDOS … Read more